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  • Family and Friends
  • Finding Things on the Internet: Alta Vista, Yahoo, and More
  • General Reference
  • News and Weather
  • Recreation
  • Travel
  • Government
  • Computer and Internet/Web Related
  • Warning: Registering and Junk Email

  • Finding Things on the Internet: Alta Vista, Yahoo, and More

    Yahoo and Alta Vista are two quite different ways to find things on the Internet. They and a handful of other "finding things" tools are listed here.

    Alta Vista: DEC's Web Index Search Tool
    Alta Vista is my preferred tool for finding things on the Web. Alta Vista is an all-knowing guru (search engine) -- you ask a question and get back a list of web documents. It takes some practice to get full value from it. It can also be used to search newsgroups.
    CNet's Search Engine Collection
    Over 200 search engines. Utterly massive. Searches not only web, but also many databases; many reference tools.
    DejaNews - Newsgroup search engine
    Searches newsgroup archive for specified words. Full text of posting. Great for finding out about sport and technical products.
    Four11 Email and Address Directory
    A directory of email and home addresses.
    IPL The Internet Public Library
    A collection of pointers, organized by library standard subject matter by librarians. Exceptionally high quality and maintenance. Often a better starting point than Yahoo. Librarians will also answer particular reference queries submitted by form or email.
    Liszt: Searchable Directory of E-Mail Discussion Groups (Lists).
    Enter any word or phrase to search the world's largest directory of mailing lists -- 54,740 lists from 1812 sites.
    A Table of Contents for the web, organized like a library's subject catalog with major categories and subcategories. Yahoo has only a fraction of all web sites, but it can be a good way to start exploring a new area.

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    General Medicine

    America's HouseCall Network
    Source for health information, primarily oriented to patients
    Family Village
    Family Village, provided by the Waisman Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, seeks to be a "global community that integrates medical information, resources, and Internet communication.
    Family-l Archives
    Archives for the Family-l (academic family medicine) Internet List. Uses Gopher format. To join this list email Max Crocker at U of Kentucky
    Fam-Med List
    Fam-Med is an electronic mail discussion group and resource area on the Internet which focuses on the use of computer and telecommunication technology in the teaching and practice of Family Medicine. Archives are available.

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    General Reference Materials

    1st Traveler's Choice B & B Recommendations
    Clickable Maps, extensive details, and as a fringe benefit, recipes at certain B & B's
    Timezone Maps
    Timezone Maps, country & the world.
    Quattro Archives
    Search Q-List archives for all things Audi...
    Urban Legends
    You've been hearing some of these all your life. Are they true or aren't they?
    How to drive like a Moron
    Required reading for Bay Area residents.
    The Photo Vault
    Just what the name suggests. This one's a beaut....
    The Internet Movie Database
    Tons of data, with superb cross-referencing.
    Debunks the Rocket Car Urban Legend.
    Funny Stuff. If you don't know the story, read the Urban Legends Page first.
    BigBook Map Support
    Big Book has business yellow pages and excellent map support.
    Electric Library
    Research service aimed at K1-12 students. Search through 150 full-text newspapers, 800 full-text magazines, two international newswires, two thousand classic books, hundreds of maps, thousands of photographs, as well as major works of literature and art.
    Encyclopedia Brittanica Online
    A fee is charged, but there's a free trial period. Now available for $15/month.
    NYNEX National Big Yellow pages
    16.5 million business listings.
    Reference Section: Internet Public Library
    Well updated, annotated, list of recommended reference works available over the net.
    Roget's Thesaurus
    Spanish Language Links
    Webster's Dictionary
    Bartlett's Quotations
    US Postal Service Zip Code Finder

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    News and Weather

    New York Times -- Low Graphics
    Front page stories plus some editorial content and archives
    NOAA Interactive Weather Information Network
    Local and regional forecasts.


    Inline Skating FAQ
    Terrific resource for inline skates. Retail, technique, urls. A newsgroup "frequently asked questions" (FAQ) document.

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    Travel services on the net are evolving quickly. Tell me of your favorites.

    City.Net & City Net Express
    City Net: information about cities around the world.
    Hotel Discount service
    Deals on room and some travel.
    Web based travel agency, spin-off from US West.

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    Thomas (US Congress)
    Web site for US Congress.
    US Government Information Exchange
    Central set of links to information provided by all levels of the US government.
    White House
    Home of the president. Index to government info and publications.

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    Computer and Internet/Web Related

    Most of the companies listed here provide free or evaluation copies of their software. You can use your web browser to download the software and "try before you buy". Don't use beta software unless you are a computer expert (or want to become one).

    Computer Glossary (CNet)
    Lots of ads, but a well supported glossary and dictionary.
    Java Examples - Gamelan
    Explore the amazing world of Java applets. Requires Netscape 2.0 or higher or Internet Explorer 3.0.
    Microsoft Corporation World-Wide-Web Server
    Produce Internet Explorer for Windows and Macintosh, Microsoft Office Internet Assistants, and Windows.
    Producer of the leading web browser for Windows, Macintosh, and others.
    The 15 Minute Series-- Internet Training Materials
    HTML and PowerPoint Internet Subject tutorials on Internet topics, from the web to email. Excellent resource, but at a slightly technical level.
    Stroud's Consummate Winsock Applications
    Selected applications for Windows Internet use.
    World Wide Web Frequently Asked Questions
    Hypertext version of WWW Frequently Asked Questions with links to resources.

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    Warning: Registering and Junk Email

    When you visit a clinical web site, you may be asked to "register". This usually requires providing a name and email address, and often a street address. In many cases this will result in marketing literature (junk mail) being sent to your email box or postal address. The information you provide may be resold to other marketers. For further comments on junk email see this site....

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    Last revised: 8-Jan-1997