On-Line Shopping

CDNow is a comprehensive music catalog, complete with reviews, and such niceties as session sidemen of albums, extensive cross-referencing by artist, genre, etc. Even sound bytes from selected works.

Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines seems to be the first airlines to implement a fully functional web-site. Others give you schedules, and their phone number. With this, no phone call required for ticketless travel.

On-Line Florists
This site lets you see the floral arrangement you're sending. Good rates.

Down Home Enterprises
Good source of opportunities for those looking for a home-based business on the side. Run by our friends Steve and Cindy Ray.

Goodtech Systems
Rony's a gifted network guru, and this sophisticated telnet server that he's written will run on Intel (win95 & NT) and Alpha (!) NT. Excellent prices. Run by our friends Rony & Nurit Gutherz.

Apparel.net is a site with links to a large number of mail-order clothiers with on-line catalogues.

All Internet Shopping directory
Just what the title suggests.